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4.1 out of 5 stars

Air-Fi Venture Bluetooth Headphones

$119.99 67% off Reference Price
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Top positive review
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After 4 tries,I FINALLY found what ive been looking for in a BT Headset...and then some!!!
By Derek B on Reviewed in the United States on December 23, 2013
Hard to know where to begin so I guess Ill start by saying WOW.Its also Hard to know where to begin,because with myself,Iam very picky when it comes to buying products-always trying to find not just the best deal,but trying to find one of those quality products that is not absurdly overpriced because of corporate greed (or because it was endorsed by a celebrity,stamping his/her name on it). Specifically,I am picky when it comes to consumer electronics,but I know there are companies out there that are quality(yamaha,pioneer for example)that in my opinion rival companies 4x as expensive(Bose is one that comes to mind) to this review of these AF-52's by Meeelctronics.First off,I would not consider myself an "audiophile",however Im fairly knowedgable about the area of technology and have always been a home consumer of electronics,mainly after finally buying a good A/V receiver with a good 7.2 setup-blew me away completely. After that,never having owned a pair of headphones other than earbuds,I figured id like to try my home theater system using a decent pair of cans,but didnt want to spend much since the use would be minimal in terms of using them to watch movies/TV. After reading glowing reviews,I bought a pair of Monoprice's 8323,and let me tell you,these things kick! Cant believe they were under $30,although not crazy comfortable. Thats what started steering me to purchase a pair of Bluetooth headphones,to get rid of the wires. (I should add I WAS aware of the degrade in quality from wired to wireless).After Deciding id like to get a nice pair of Bluetooth headphones to have around the house while working and what not,I started cheap. Pair #1 was Arctic's BT253-I got these off newegg for $15 after rebate,basically to test the Bluetooth waters. I was pleasently surprised with these as they offered good range(a little,better than advertised,VERY comfortable and LIGHT-after getting used to the weird"around the neck" type and decent sound,all a great buy at $15. I then decided I wanted something that produced better,fuller sound. I went with #2 then, Bluedio's R+ (with "APTx"which I wantedand Bluetooth 4.0). I got these for $95 and felt at first they were a steal comparing other prices ...until I tried them. The bass was SO heavy and boomy that I couldnt even hear the rest of the music like it was intended to be heard! I did try to adjust the EQ on my Galaxy s4,however did not through itunes..still,these were SO BAD,I returned them the next day. Id take the arctic 253's over these things(although the bludio look great lol)#3 Were Meelectronics AF-BK71 Earbuds. Now these wereMSRP at $100,so when I found them for $22.50 auctioned,i was suspicious. Now I dont know if it was this specific pair,BUT MY GOD,these signal was AWFUL on these. I m,ean I couldnt walk more than 15 ft away,unobstructed without the signal cutting out. Even close,it was choppy. The apt-x on these DID however make these sound GREAT when next to my phone,but not why I got Bluetooth. With the range on the being "broken" as I called it(which appeared to be the only thing wrong-a shame really),I returned AGAIN only to kep searching.#4 Well,after reading reviews I was convinced id just get a pair if Creative WP 350's or MEelectronics AF32's...Dre beats for $300? No thanks,however if the New Sol Republic Tracks AIR were cheaper,I probably woulda gone there....then it happened!! On black friday,while searching for prices on BT headphones and ready to buy the AF32's for around $55,these caught my eye--Meelectronics AF52 Air-fi Venture for only $49.99...damn..looked like s=a bargain at first. I started reading reaviews on here and newegg and out of the 20 or so about 19 were positive. VERY positive. The only thing people somewhat complained about was that these were bass heavy,which almost steered me away after my Bluedio experience. However the reviews were so good and so was the price so I gave these a shot. And OH LORD am I GLAD I DID!! Like I said,the "bass heavy comments" almost steered me away as I do like bass in my music but not where is drowns out the other instruments.I actually LOVE bands with great Bass players,Les Claypool,Mike Gordon,Oteil Burbridge,Phil Lesh,as long as it is blended in and these do a great job at that. Now,it may depend on the recording,as different bands have different levels of bass,but as others stated,if the bass is too heavy, a simple Equalizer adjustment on ur phone or itunes will solve this. The first time I tried these on,the sound was perfect,next time I had to adjust the EQ(REMEMBER IAM PICKY).Sorry to make this review long,but feel like theres a lot to be said of these,especially compared to others. With the bass heavy worry out of the way,I focused on 3 things I look for: 1. Comfort. 2. Sound. 3. Bluetooth Range.1.Comfort-Ill be short here-these things are like pillows for your ears. Also,dont make your ears sweat after long use. FYI,If you have huge ears,these may be more than on-ear rather than over the ear(mine are mid-to big ears lol,they fit over)2. Sound. WOW. I cant believe these are Bluetooth when im listening-YES I hear the "bluetooth hiss sound" but not that noticiable. These things sound so good and balnced,they truly arent far off from the monoprice 8323's-and I havent used a wire yet. One thing I loved with the sound on these is the soundstage. For those not familar,thats the Height,Width,depth of the sound being produced(for example when u can hear drums in one aar and guitar in another)these things have AWESOME SOUNDSTAGE FOR BLUETOOTH. Listening to a drum solo from a 1973 concert and listening it "flow" from one ear to the other and back. The music sepeartion,soundstage,whatever u wanna call it is great.3. Range. On reviews,I dont hear many people discuss range,but for me this is a big issue as I stray away from my Computer(my main BT transmitter) while I work around the house. Out of everything the range blew me away more than any. MEelectronics are VERY CONSERVATIVE saying 33 feet. I was able to go into any room on the same floor as my CPU,even shut the doors..I was able to even go downstairs..frinally cutting out at probably 60 feet away THROUGH walls and celings. WTF? Did I get a pair with enhanced range(no lol) or are these things that great?To me there is no weakness whatsoever,at $49.99,I STOLE these. I bleieve these are well worth the normal price,esp when compared to other BT's(look around-these have been $50 here and another site since Black Friday) But if you can get them on any sale,they are a steal and I dont know how anyone could be upset with these. Trust me. If I couldnt find any problems,you probably wont either:)...I feel I need to mention the battery life. Just another reason these are at the top of their class. Also,after using these for 2 months, I'm glad I read reviews about people adjusting their equalizer(smartphone,iTunes,etc.THIS MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE IMO
Top critical review
Ok headset, could have been perfect with a few tweaks
By Sagar S on Reviewed in the United States on September 22, 2014
The good:- Headset is very very light.- Sounds great on music, a bit hollow on audio- Holds charge for a loong time- Padding is really nice and soft.- Multipoint works great.- There is no sound leakage like the Photive.The bad:- I have average sized ears...and they don't cover my ears, but sit on them. So in-spite of the soft padding they are not comfortable for a long time.- You hear a hiss when nothing is playing- The buttons are too recessed to be useful. You almost always have to remove it to find the right button.- Why does the power button double for outgoing calls? I made a couple of calls (to my last called number) when I just wanted to turn these off.-

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